Golf Rates

RATES & memberships

Golf Weekday
All golf prices include GST
9 Holes 35
18 Holes 60
 Member Guest 9 Holes 30 
Member Guest 18 Holes 50
 Junior Fee 20 
 Twilight After 1:00 9/$30   18/$50 
Golf Weekend
All golf prices include GST
9 Holes 40
18 Holes 65
 Member Guest 9 Holes 35
Member Guest 18 Holes 55
 Junior Fee 20 
 Twilight After 1:00 9/$32    18/$55 
Memberships 2024
All golf prices include GST
Regular Membership (40+yrs) 1330
Intermediate Membership (19yrs-39yrs) 840
Junior Membership (18yrs and under) 260
 Gas Cart Storage (Call for Availability) 170 
 Locker Rental 25 
Power Cart
9 Holes
Power Cart
18 Holes
Rental Clubs
9 Holes
Rental Clubs
18 Holes

In order to provide you with the best possible golfing experience we are happy to provide our patrons with a convenient online booking widget. Simply open the drawer in the lower portion of your screen labeled “Book a Tee Time” and follow the instructions provided to make your reservation. 
